oneio 0.10.1

OneIO is a Rust library that provides unified simple IO interface for reading and writing to and from data files from different sources and compressions.


Rust License

OneIO is a Rust library that provides unified simple IO interface for reading and writing to and from data files from different sources and compressions.

Usage and Feature Flags

Enable all compression algorithms, and handle remote files (default)

oneio = "0.10.1"

Select from supported feature flags

oneio = {version = "0.10.1", features = ["remote", "gz"]}

Supported feature flags:

  • all (default): all flags (["gz", "bz", "lz", "remote", "json", "s3"])
  • remote: allow reading from remote files
  • gz: support gzip files
  • bz: support bzip2 files
  • lz: support lz4 files
  • json: allow reading JSON content into structs directly
  • s3: allow reading from AWS S3 compatible buckets

Use oneio commandline tool

OneIO comes with a commandline tool, oneio, that opens and reads local/remote files to terminal and handles decompression automatically. This can be useful if you want read some compressed plain-text files from a local or remote source.

Mingwei Zhang <>
OneIO is a Rust library that provides unified simple IO interface for
reading and writing to and from data files from different sources and compressions.

    oneio [OPTIONS] <FILE>

    <FILE>    file to open, remote or local

        --cache-dir <CACHE_DIR>      cache reading to specified directory
        --cache-file <CACHE_FILE>    specify cache file name
        --cache-force                force re-caching if local cache already exists
    -d, --download                   download the file to current directory, similar to run `wget`
    -h, --help                       Print help information
    -o, --outfile <OUTFILE>          output file path
    -s, --stats                      read through file and only print out stats
    -V, --version                    Print version information

You can just specify a data file location after oneio. The following command prints out the raw HTML file from


Here is another example of using oneio to read an remote compressed JSON file, pipe it to jq and count the number of JSON objects in the array.

$ oneio | jq '.|length'  

You can also directly download a file with the --download (or -d) flag.

$ oneio -d
file successfully downloaded to rib.20221107.0400.bz2

$ ls -lh rib.20221107.0400.bz2 
-rw-r--r--  1 mingwei  staff   122M Nov  7 16:17 rib.20221107.0400.bz2

$ monocle parse rib.20221107.0400.bz2 |head -n5
A|1667793600||3214||3214 1299|IGP||0|0|3214:3001|NAG||
A|1667793600||61955||61955 50629|IGP||0|0||NAG||
A|1667793600||267613||267613 1299|IGP||0|0|5469:6000|NAG||
A|1667793600||212483||212483 13335|IGP||0|0|13335:10028 13335:19000 13335:20050 13335:20500 13335:20530 lg:212483:1:104|NAG|13335|
A|1667793600||39120||39120 13335|IGP||0|0|13335:10020 13335:19020 13335:20050 13335:20500 13335:20530|AG|13335|

Use OneIO Reader as Library

The returned reader implements BufRead, and handles decompression from the following types:

  • gzip: files ending with gz or gzip
  • bzip2: files ending with bz or bz2
  • lz4: files ending with lz4 or lz

It also handles reading from remote or local files transparently.


Read all into string:

const TEST_TEXT: &str = "OneIO test file.
This is a test.";
fn main(){

    let mut reader = oneio::get_reader("").unwrap();

    let mut text = "".to_string();
    reader.read_to_string(&mut text).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(text.as_str(), TEST_TEXT);

Read into lines:

use std::io::BufRead;
const TEST_TEXT: &str = "OneIO test file.
This is a test.";

fn main() {
    let lines = oneio::read_lines("").map(|line| line.unwrap()).collect::<Vec<String>>();

    assert_eq!(lines.len(), 2);
    assert_eq!(lines[0].as_str(), "OneIO test file.");
    assert_eq!(lines[1].as_str(), "This is a test.");

Use OneIO Writer as Library

[get_writer] returns a generic writer that implements [Write], and handles decompression from the following types:

  • gzip: files ending with gz or gzip
  • bzip2: files ending with bz or bz2

Note: lz4 writer is not currently supported.


Common IO operations

fn main() {
    let to_read_file = "";
    let to_write_file = "/tmp/test_write.txt.bz2";

    // read text from remote gzip file
    let mut text = "".to_string();
    oneio::get_reader(to_read_file).unwrap().read_to_string(&mut text).unwrap();

    // write the same text to a local bz2 file
    let mut writer = oneio::get_writer(to_write_file).unwrap();

    // read from the newly-generated bz2 file
    let mut new_text = "".to_string();
    oneio::get_reader(to_write_file).unwrap().read_to_string(&mut new_text).unwrap();

    // compare the decompressed content of the remote and local files
    assert_eq!(text.as_str(), new_text.as_str());

Read remote content with custom headers

use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
    let mut reader = oneio::get_remote_reader(
        HashMap::from([("X-Custom-Auth-Key".to_string(), "TOKEN".to_string())])
    let mut text = "".to_string();
    reader.read_to_string(&mut text).unwrap();
    println!("{}", text);

Download remote file to local directory

fn main() {

S3-related operations (needs s3 feature flag)

fn main() {
    // upload to S3
    s3_upload("oneio-test", "test/", "").unwrap();

    // read directly from S3
    let mut content = String::new();
    s3_reader("oneio-test", "test/")
        .read_to_string(&mut content)
    println!("{}", content);

    // download from S3
    s3_download("oneio-test", "test/", "test/").unwrap();

    // get S3 file stats
    let res = s3_stats("oneio-test", "test/").unwrap();

    // error if file does not exist
    let res = s3_stats("oneio-test", "test/");
    // list S3 files
    let res = s3_list("oneio-test", "test/", Some("/")).unwrap();

        s3_exists("oneio-test", "test/").unwrap()
    assert_eq!(true, s3_exists("oneio-test", "test/").unwrap());